
Economics of education, human capital development, economic mobility, labour market, returns on early childhood investments, intergenerational transmission of income and education


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2011, Main Researcher of the theme Skills, Catherine Haeck is Full Professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is also director of the CIQSS-UQAM-INRS Laboratory, a visiting researcher at the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS), a member of the Human Capital Research Group, a member of the Research Unit on Children's Psychosocial Maladjustment and researcher affiliated with the Education Policy Research Initiative.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, her research focuses on the human capital development of children and youth. She has written about universal childcare, prenatal nutrition programs, parental leave reforms, and school reforms. Her current research focuses on the impact of class size reduction on student outcomes, and also the impacts of universal childcare on household expenditures. She also studies the geographical and temporal evolution of intergenerational mobility in Canada compared to the United States with an aim to better understand the causal relationship between education and mobility.

She has published in several major economic and human capital journals, in addition to having received more than $9M in research grants since 2014 (including SSHRC and FRQSC).

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CIRANO Publications by Catherine Haeck

As an author

1 to 5 of 24 results

Mistaking immature classroom behaviour with ADHD

Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Education and Health

Confondre comportements immatures en classe et TDAH

Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Education and Health

Surdiagnostic du TDAH au Québec: Impact de l’âge d’entrée à l’école, différences régionales et coûts sociaux et économiques

Catherine Haeck, Geneviève Lefebvre, Pierre Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Skills and Health

S’attaquer à la sous-scolarisation des hommes sans nuire au succès des femmes

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix and Richard E. Tremblay

Skills, Education and Inequality and Poverty

La sous-scolarisation des hommes et le choix de profession des femmes

Robert Lacroix, Catherine Haeck, Claude Montmarquette and Richard E. Tremblay


CIRANO Projects

Dynamic returns on numeracy

Raquel Fonseca, Catherine Haeck, Andrei Munteanu

Lien entre les investissements agrégés dans l’éducation à la petite enfance, l’âge relatif en classe et la sous-scolarisation des garçons

Robert Lacroix, Catherine Haeck, Richard Ernest Tremblay, Nicolas Charette

Education, Human Capital

Le Québec économique 10 - Skills and the Labour Market

Le Québec économique 10: Compétences et transformation du marché du travail - Publié le March 15, 2022

Benoit Dostie, Catherine Haeck, Genevieve Dufour

Labour Market

Scoping Review of Knowledge on the Cost-Benefit and Effectiveness of Environmental Interventions on Healthy Eating

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Catherine Haeck, Stéphanie Lessard, Jeremy Schneider

Environment, Agri-Food, Economy

Differences in performance, achievement, and graduation between boys (men) and girls (women) and differences in disciplinary distributions

S’attaquer à la sous-scolarisation des hommes sans nuire au succès des femmes - Publié le March 20, 2023

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix, Claude Montmarquette, Richard Ernest Tremblay


Air pollution and cognitive development of young people

Catherine Haeck, Martino Pelli, Charles Séguin, Charles-Henri Lavoie, Nicolas Charette

Education, Health

Fostering Human Capital Acquisition During the Pandemic: A Profitable Investment for Jobs and Economic Growth

Favoriser l’acquisition en capital humain durant la pandémie : un investissement rentable pour l’emploi et la croissance économique - Publié le September 3, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix, Claude Montmarquette


The labour market during the COVID-19 crisis

Waiting for Recovery: The Canadian Labour Market in June 2020 - Publié le June 15, 2020

Fabian Lange, Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck, Pierre-Loup Beauregard

Labour Market

Numeracy and labour market

Le lien entre les compétences en numératie et les rendements sur le marché du travail au Québec - Publié le June 2, 2021

Raquel Fonseca, Catherine Haeck, Marie Mélanie Fontaine

Education, Human Capital, Labour Market

Eliciting and developing a preference for math and science

Genevieve Dufour, Catherine Haeck


Workforce modelling in the health and education sectors

Modélisation des effectifs dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation - Publié le August 3, 2021

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly

Education, Health, Human Capital, Human Resources

Social mobility in quebec and the role of universities

La mobilité sociale au Québec selon différents parcours universitaires - Publié le May 9, 2022

Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck

Labour Market, Education

ADHD in Quebec Youth: Moving Beyond Simple Descriptive Statistics

Mistaking immature classroom behaviour with ADHD - Publié le March 26, 2024

Philip Merrigan, Geneviève Lefebvre, Pierre Lefebvre, Catherine Haeck

Education, Health

Quebec's Family Policies Evaluated on the Basis of the Employment Income Trajectories of Parents and Childless Women and Men

Les politiques familiales du Québec évaluées à partir des trajectoires de revenus d’emploi des parents et des personnes sans enfant - Publié le March 17, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly, Marie Mélanie Fontaine

Evaluation Of Projects, Programs and Public Policies, Social Policies

Study of the relationship between intergenerational income mobility and socio-economic characteristics during adolescence

Étude du lien entre la mobilité intergénérationnelle du revenu et caractéristiques socioéconomiques durant l’adolescence - Publié le February 24, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly, Anne-Charlotte Latour

Labour Market, Human Resources, Human Capital, Education