07 December 2024

Marcel Boyer presented the origins of the Laboratoire d'économie expérimentale Claude Montmarquette

At the 3rd Experimental and Behavioural Research Workshop on December 6, 2024, Marcel Boyer, Professor Emeritus of the Université de Montréal and CIRANO Fellow and Researcher, and one of CIRANO's founders, presented the origins of the Claude Montmarquette Laboratory. He outlined the various stages of its creation, from the first discussions in 1990 to the launch of the project in 2000, as well as the people and organizations who contributed to the launch of the Laboratoire d'économie expérimentale Claude Montmarquette.

The day also provided an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics, from the challenges of understanding jobseekers regarding unemployment insurance benefits, to investment decisions and delays in decision-making, all analyzed through the prism of behavioral economics with rigorous statistical methods.

Discover the history of the Laboratory

The scientific direction of the Experimental Economics Laboratory Claude Montmarquette is led by principal researchers Sabine Kröger (Université Laval and CIRANO) and Huan Xie (Concordia University).