Le Quartier latin de Montréal connaît-il un déclin résidentiel ? Une analyse à partir des données publiques de recensement

At a time when alarmist analyses of the decline of the Quartier latin are multiplying, we use public census data to describe the population of the Quartier latin and its evolution over the past twenty years. The demographic portrait we draw is more nuanced than the prevailing discourse. The Quartier latin appears to be a neighborhood of young professionals and university students, whose population has grown faster than the rest of the Montreal metropolitan area from 2001 to 2021. Levels of education and average income have also risen faster than in the rest of the metropolis, reflecting a form of residential gentrification. The Habitations Jeanne-Mance, which provide low-cost housing for low-income households in the heart of the Quartier Latin, on the other hand, have seen their population decline. These findings suggest that housing should be a central issue in the revival of the Quartier Latin, so that it can be reconciled with the maintenance of a certain social mix.

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