La propriété des employeurs du Québec, 2023: la place des francophones


This paper presents new results for 2023 on the share of employment in Quebec, private and public, associated with three ownership groups: non-Canadians (foreigners), non-French-speaking Canadians (allophone and English-speaking) and French-speaking Canadians. These results are obtained using various sources of information such as the Registre des Entreprises du Québec (Quebec Business Register), the newspaper Les Affaires and data from Statistics Canada on employment by sector. This done, the results for 2023 are compared to those of previous studies covering the period 1961-2003. In 2023, we find that 73% of employment in Quebec is with employers under French-speaking Canadian control; in 1961, this share was 47%. Non-French Canadian control (20% in 2023, 39% in 1961) and foreign control (7% in 2023, 14% in 1961) both fell by half over the period 1961-2023.

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