0.050.09975 0

International Conference of the Observatory for Child Health and Education (OPES)

Two years of pandemic: What impacts on children and how to act to support resilience?

Friday 10 Jun 2022
From 8:30AM To 4:30PM

Organized in collaboration with the CIQSS, the objective of this international conference of the Observatory for Children's Education and Health (OPES) on June 10, 2022 was to present the state of scientific knowledge, identify research priorities and propose effective and innovative interventions to mitigate and possibly eliminate the negative consequences of the pandemic on children and youth.

Particular attention was paid to the description of the possibilities offered by the use of massive data, the strategies necessary for the use of administrative and research data to improve the education and health of children as well as the different implications for researchers, for educational actors, for parents and children.

Benoit Dostie, Full Professor at HEC Montréal, Main researcher of the theme Innovation and Digital Transformation and CIRANO Fellow, Catherine Haeck, Associate Professor at ESG UQAM, Main researcher of the theme Skills and CIRANO Fellow, and Carl-Ardy Dubois, Full Professor at Université de Montréal and CIRANO Researcher, took part in the different sessions and round tables of the day. 

CIRANO was pleased to provide financial support to the event.

Simon Bergeron

Director Institut de la statistique du Québec

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Dominique Bertrand

Director General Marguerite Bourgeoys School Board

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Nicholas Chadi

Professor and pediatrician, Université de Montréal

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Sylvana Côté

Full professor at the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal and a researcher at CHU Ste-Justine

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Kristoff De Witte

Professor economics KULeuven

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Benoit Dostie

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2001, responsible of the CIRANO Pole on the Socio-economic Impacts of Digital Intelligence and Main Researcher of the theme Innovation and Digital Transformation, Benoit Dostie is Full Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at HEC Montréal and Academic Director of the Centre interuniversitaire québécois de statistiques sociales (CIQSS).

He also holds the Power Corporation of Canada Chair in Labour Relations, Compensation and Benefits.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University, his research interests are labour economics and applied econometrics.

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Carl-Ardy Dubois

A CIRANO Researcher since 2018, Carl-Ardy Dubois is Full Professor and Director of the Department of Health Management, Evaluation and Policy at the École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal. He is also Dean of the École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal, Regular Researcher at the Centre de recherche en santé publique (CReSP), the Interactions Research Centre of the ICSUH North Island of Montreal and the Réseau de recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ).

Holding a Ph.D. in Public Health from the Université de Montréal, he previously completed a doctorate in medicine and graduate studies in health services administration, epidemiology and statistics. He did his post-doctoral studies at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in collaboration with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

Before joining ESPUM, Carl-Ardy Dubois was Professor at the Université de Montréal Faculty of Nursing. His contributions have been recognized, among others, by the Peter Reizensten Prize which was awarded to him in 2014 by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).

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Lise Gauvin

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Marie-Claude Geoffroy

McGill Professor

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Catherine Haeck

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2011, Main Researcher of the theme Skills, Catherine Haeck is Full Professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is also director of the CIQSS-UQAM-INRS Laboratory, a visiting researcher at the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS), a member of the Human Capital Research Group, a member of the Research Unit on Children's Psychosocial Maladjustment and researcher affiliated with the Education Policy Research Initiative.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, her research focuses on the human capital development of children and youth. She has written about universal childcare, prenatal nutrition programs, parental leave reforms, and school reforms. Her current research focuses on the impact of class size reduction on student outcomes, and also the impacts of universal childcare on household expenditures. She also studies the geographical and temporal evolution of intergenerational mobility in Canada compared to the United States with an aim to better understand the causal relationship between education and mobility.

She has published in several major economic and human capital journals, in addition to having received more than $9M in research grants since 2014 (including SSHRC and FRQSC).

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Carla Haelermans

Professor of Economics of Education, Maastricht University

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Hélène Lecavalier

Teacher from the Marguerite Bourgeoys School Board

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Nicholas Mazelier

Assistant Deputy Minister, Quebec Ministry of Education

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Jacques Michaud

Director, Sainte-Justine UHC Research Centre

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Louise Poissant

Scientific Director, Fond de Recherche du Québec

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Marie Dominique Taillon

Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education

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