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The strategic challenge of relocating value chains in Quebec, Canada and the world

ENAP Montreal

From Thursday 25 Aug 2022 at 9AM
To Friday 26 Aug 2022 at 5PM

In the wake of the health crisis since 2020, but more widely since the major financial crisis of 2008, Western states have initiated a massive reindustrialization effort and have become aware, by the same token, of the greater or lesser vulnerability of their manufacturing supply chains, which have been exposed to the risks and shocks associated with the internationalization of recent decades. In this context, a wide range of industrial, commercial and financial policies have been developed by Western (and to a different extent, Asian) governments, aiming at shortening these supply chains or even at industrial relocation and import substitution.

Focusing on the cases of Europe and France, China, Canada and Quebec, the conference was helded on August 25 and 26, 2022 at ENAP, and allowed to assess these initiatives from a theoretical, sectoral, statistical and prospective perspective. It brought together the most important European and Quebec experts on these issues, from the academic, governmental, associative, industrial and consulting sectors.

Stéphane Paquin, CIRANO researcher and full professor at the École Nationale d'Administration Publique (ÉNAP) gave an overview of the geopolitics of global trade disorder.


This event is part of CIRANO's annual theme « Tackling the challenges of supply chains ».

For further information, please contact Sarah Elimam (sarah.elimam@cirano.qc.ca).

Audy-Julien, Antoine
Strategic Advisor, Deloitte
Blanchet, Richard
CEO, Sous-traitance industrielle Québec
Drouin, Stéphane
Vice President Quebec Purchasing and Economic Development, Investissement Québec
Eabrasu, Marian
Associate Professor, EM Normandie Business School
Fel, Fabienne
Associate Professor, ESCP Business School
Granger, Serge
Full Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Guillou, Sarah
Director of the Innovation and Competition Department, Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
L’Italien, François
Researcher, Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine
Laverdure, Guillaume
Chief operating officers, Medicom
Lussier, Mélanie
Vice President Operations and Administration, Propulsion Québec
N. Duhaime, Éric
Researcher, Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine
Paquet, Marie-France
Chief Economist, Affaires mondiales canada
Paquin, Stéphane
CIRANO Researcher
Full Professor, École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Ph.D., Political Science, Sciences Po Paris


Thursday, August 25
9:00 - 10:15
Welcome and Introduction: The Geopolitics of Global Trade Disorder
Thursday, August 25
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee break
Thursday, August 25
10:30 - 11:45
«Ethical dilemmas of multinational companies in the contemporary geopolitical context» and «Economic sovereignty: between ambition and reality»
Marian Eabrasu, Sarah Guillou
Thursday, August 25
11:45 - 13:15
Thursday, August 25
13:15 - 14:30
«The French government's (Re)localization plan: relocation plan or competitiveness plan?» and «Strategic autonomy and commercial reorientations in China»
Fabienne Fel, Serge Granger
Thursday, August 25
14:30 - 14:45
Thursday, August 25
14:45 - 16:00
«Canadian Supply Chains» and «Quebec Procurement: Strategic and Profitable»
Marie-France Paquet, Stéphane Drouin
Friday, August 26
9:00 - 10:15
Quebec's Manufacturing Value Chains: A Status Report
Hubert Rioux
Friday, August 26
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee break
Friday, August 26
10:30 - 11:45
«13th edition of the Quebec Industrial Barometer: a unique portrait of the industrial sector here!» and «Update on the manufacturing sector 2010-2030: from neglected to societal champion»
Richard Blanchet, Antoine Audy-Julien
Friday, August 26
11:45 - 13:15
Friday, August 26
13:15 - 14:30
«Sustainable and Local Procurement in Quebec: A Critical Overview of Legislative Reform» and «The Fisheries Sector and Quebec's Food Autonomy»
Friday, August 26
14:30 - 14:45
Coffee break
Friday, August 26
14:45 - 16:00
«Opportunities and challenges of electric and intelligent transportation in Quebec» and «Issues and challenges of implementing the digital economy in Quebec»
Mélanie Lussier, Éric N. Duhaime
Friday, August 26
16:00 - 16:15
Coffee break
Friday, August 26
16:15 - 17:00
Closing conference on the issue of medical equipment supply
Guillaume Laverdure


4750 Av. Henri-Julien, Montréal, QC H2T 2C8, Canada