
Collective marketing of agricultural products, transaction costs, institutions, governance and vertical coordination in agri-food chains, institutional analysis, producer organization, quality of agricultural products


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2014, Main Researcher of the theme Sustainable Development and Agri-Food, Annie Royer is Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Consumer Sciences at Université Laval. She is also holder of the Chair in Analysis of Agricultural Policy and Collective Marketing and is Director of the Bachelor of Agricultural Economics program.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Pantheon-Sorbonne University Paris 1, she was also a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands from 2009 to 2011.

Her research program is multidisciplinary. It is oriented towards collective marketing of agricultural products, vertical coordination in food chains and value chains, producer organizations, agricultural policy analysis, quality and innovation.

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CIRANO Publications by Annie Royer

As an author

1 to 5 of 12 results

Consultation des partenaires gouvernementaux pour l’actualisation de la Politique bioalimentaire 2018-2025 du gouvernement du Québec

Ingrid Peignier, Sophie Bernard, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Annie Royer and Lota Tamini


Autonomie financière et activités d’exportation des PME du secteur bioalimentaire : Planifier adéquatement les dépenses à engager

Josée St-Pierre, Annie Royer, Crispin Enagogo and Jean Pierre Dany Menguele


Dynamiques territoriales du bioalimentaire au Québec

Annie Royer, Patrick Mundler and Julie Ruiz

Agriculture and Agri-Food

Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour, Fabiano Armellini, Benoit Aubert, Catherine Beaudry, Conrad Boton, Simon Bourdeau, Mario Bourgault, Bryan Campbell, Pierre Cléroux, Jean-Claude Cloutier, Patrick Cohendet, Marie Connolly, Christophe Danjou, Daniel Forgues, Luc Godbout, Pierre Hadaya, Ben Hadj, Catherine Haeck, Georges Hage, Ivanka Iordanova, Daniel J. Caron, Carolyn J. Hatch, Laurent Joblot, Michel Magnan, Philippe Marchildon, Robert Normand, Ingrid Peignier, Robert Pellerin, Nathalie Perrier, Giulia Piantoni, Érik Poirier, Louis Rivest, Michael Robert-Angers, Annie Royer, Laurent Simon, Laurence Solar-Pelletier, Dalibor Stevanovic, Nasrin Sultana, Ekaterina Turkina, Luc Vinet, Thierry Warin, Majlinda Zhegu and 39 other authors

Innovation and Digital Transformation

CIRANO Projects

Summary report - February 28, 2024 conference

Consultation des partenaires gouvernementaux pour l’actualisation de la Politique bioalimentaire 2018-2025 du gouvernement du Québec - Publié le November 22, 2024

Annie Royer, Lota Tamini, Sophie Bernard, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier, Christophe Mondin, Amélie Sintes


Accelerating the transition to a sustainable and innovative biofood sector

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Annie Royer, Lota Tamini, Sophie Bernard, Ingrid Peignier, Sarah Elimam, Carole Vincent, Elina Caron

Agri-Food, Innovation

Financial autonomy and exporting among SMEs in the biofood sector

Autonomie financière et activités d’exportation des PME du secteur bioalimentaire : Planifier adéquatement les dépenses à engager - Publié le September 20, 2024

Josée St-Pierre, Annie Royer, Crispin Enagogo, Jean-Pierre Dany Menguele

Regional Development, Agri-Food

Portrait of the socio-economic stakes of the arrival of artificial intelligence in the various bio-food sectors

Thierry Warin, Annie Royer, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier

Innovation, Digital Transformation, Agri-Food

Consulting mandate of scientific experts CIRANO: Revival of the economy and food autonomy

The Sustainability, Traceability and Succession of the Quebec Agri-Food Sector Depends on an Acceleration of Digitization - Publié le March 10, 2021

Annie Royer, Michel Poitevin, Patrick Mundler, Henri-Paul Rousseau, Ingrid Peignier, Molivann Panot, Christophe Mondin, Elizabeth Brisebois-Lacoste, Meryem Bezzaz, Bignon Aurelas Tohon


Dairy industry 4.0 potential benefits and challenges

Gouvernance des données au sein de l’industrie laitière québécoise : perceptions et enjeux - Publié le April 9, 2020

Annie Royer, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier, Christophe Mondin, Molivann Panot

Agriculture, Data Sciences

The evolution of the bio-food sector in Quebec's territories identification of the main dynamics and explanatory factors

Dynamiques territoriales du bioalimentaire au Québec - Publié le November 20, 2023

Annie Royer, Patrick Mundler, Julie Ruiz


Factors that hinder or facilitate the expansion of rapidly growing smes in the bio-food industry

Facteurs qui entravent ou facilitent l’expansion des PME en croissance rapide de l’industrie bioalimentaire - Publié le December 7, 2020

Annie Royer

Agriculture, Regional Development, International Development, Innovation, Digital Transformation

Digital challenges in the agricultural sector

Les enjeux du numérique dans le secteur agricole - Défis et opportunités - Publié le July 15, 2020

Annie Royer, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné, Thierry Warin, Ingrid Peignier, Christophe Mondin

Agriculture, Digital Transformation, Innovation