Le Québec économique 5 (2013-2014) : Les grands enjeux de finances publiques
Although the Canadian and Quebec economies fared better than most industrialized economies during the last financial crisis, the fact remains that this episode had a negative impact on public finances. Since the recovery has begun, governments have been making greater efforts to restore public finances and eliminate budget deficits that appear to be persistent. At a time when societal choices are required, it is appropriate to examine the state of Quebec's public finances. For its fifth edition (2013-2014), Le Québec économique is therefore looking into these questions.
Thanks to the contributions of authors from different backgrounds, this book provides an accessible portrait of Quebec's public finances. After presenting an analysis of the Québec economy and the level of well-being of Quebecers, Le Québec économique 5 focuses on the economic determinants of the state of public finances, such as exports and productivity. The book then presents the specific fiscal issues of public sector productivity, the impact of public spending and trends in fiscal institutions. Finally, a book on public finances could not ignore the issue of long-term pension plans.
The last part of this book is devoted to 50 thematic fact sheets containing the most relevant indicators and providing data to capture the state of the Québec economy and understand its trends.
This book was written under the direction of Luc Godbout and Marcelin Joanis. Published by Presses de l'Université Laval (PUL), the book is available in bookstores or electronically.
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