Les Expos, l'OSM, les universités, les hôpitaux : Le coût d'un déficit de 400 000 emplois au Québec = Expos, Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Universities, Hospitals: The Cost of a 400,000-Job Shortfall in Québec
The socio-economic problems afflicting Québec in various activity sectors are associated phenomena stemming largely from Québec's relative underperformance in terms of growth, economic development and job creation. We shall see that Québec's underperformance has lasted close to 20 years and has substantially worsened since the early 1990s. Despite economic growth of close to 2% per year since the early 1980s, Québec's relative position is deteriorating, and in order to0501ntain economic and social services of a quality comparable to those which the Rest of Canada and the US can afford now and in the future, a sharp change of course is required. Québec urgently needs a genuine new Quiet Revolution. In this article, we will survey Québec's economic evolution over the last two decades, and we will put forward some clues for solutions which, when put into place, will ensure Quebeckers with a more promising future.
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